As a professional blogger and business chick, Yara is an experienced speaker with great passion and knowledge about online topics. She regularly hosts a large Blog Class Event (an instant sell-out!) where online meets offline. Yara’s main mission is to help other bloggers and online influencers to take their blog to the next level and connect with the right audience in a real way. Breaking down the blogging business step-by-step, Yara shares industry insights, practical tips and her formula to success, as well as discuss specific company cases.
In five years of blogging like a pro, Yara gained a large following community of over 100.000 on social media and created compelling content for a specific audience. Connecting with readers, and helping others make their web-based business or blog the best it can be, is one of Yara’s greatest pleasures. There’s room for everyone to be brilliant online! Sharing knowledge and bringing you one step closer to your goals - click by click! - is the core of CHAPTER FRIDAY. Masterclass or creative session clients include WestergasTerras, Sanoma Media Parade, SRM, New Babylon, and Fontys. Interested to know more? Simply get in touch on [email protected].