InterviewPeople 13 November 2017
Career Girl Monday #5: Sophie Kahn

It’s time to skyrocket your Monday with some proper Monday Motivation! Our fifth girl boss in our Career Girl Monday series

Daily spark 10 November 2017
Friday Question: What Would You Do If You Didn’t Need Sleep?

TGIF! At Chapter Friday, we absolutely love conversations. They provide a wonderful glimpse into each other’s everyday life. It can be

Interior inspo 7 November 2017
Indoor plant guide: these 4 stunners won’t die on you

So You Think You Can Indoor Plant? Not really, no? But you do want some indoor greens? No worries: these

PeopleWhat the team wears 3 November 2017
What the Chapter Friday Team Wears

When the temperature drops, most people think immediately of one word: black. Jep, enter the season of black coats, long black knits, black

Daily spark 30 October 2017
Digital detox challenge: Let’s go offline #2

Remember we made you an AWESOME offline challenge, earlier this year? Many of you emailed us asking if we could come

Lattes and laptopsPlaces 26 October 2017
Lattes & Laptops: Rum Baba

Satisfy your cravings in one of the most Instagrammable coffee places in Amsterdam-oost. Enter the world of one of our all-time favorites:

Career Stories 24 October 2017
Career Stories: blogger babe Megan Ellaby on working in fashion

Megan is a Manchester born twenty-something full-time influencer who used to work as an ASOS stylist. Sounds like a pretty

PersonalYara's outfits 19 October 2017
Put the fun back in fashion with a fluffy jacket

I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. It looks like the world has been covered

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