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Personal stories 8 June 2017
Yay! It’s my birthday week!

Oh, boy. I’m one of those people who LOVE birthdays! And guess what: I turned 28 yesterday! This year, I

Personal stories 23 March 2017
Hello there, sunshine! (yes, layering is everything)

Ooh yes! The spring sunshine has returned! It’s time to drop the faux fur coats and teddy coats we love

Personal stories 6 February 2017
Almost Valentine’s Day: This is how I surprised my team…

Yara: When I set up my first blog as a teenager, I was fresh out of high school and had

Personal stories 15 December 2016
Why we need some “hygge” - a heartwarming Danish life lesson

They say Denmark is one of the happiest countries in the whole wide world. Why? Because they know their hygge.

Personal stories 18 October 2016
Letter from the Editor: It’s YES month!

Hi, dear Chapter Friday readers! It’s a bit late for a Letter from the Editor, but I still wanted to

Personal stories 13 October 2016
We’re talking beauty from the inside and out

Let’s talk beauty! Is beauty about confidence, about feeling comfortable in your own skin, about loving yourself, about showing the

Personal stories 26 September 2016
Pink pink pink! I designed my very own leather bag

If you can imagine it, you can make it - and that’s how I ended up with a baby pink

Personal stories 7 July 2016

So here’s the thing. I’m always being torn between wanting to build up something and going away and leaving all

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