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Friday Question 6 October 2017
Friday Question: What can you not live without in your workday?

TGIF! At Chapter Friday, we absolutely love conversations. They provide a wonderful glimpse into each other’s everyday life. It can be

Friday Question 23 June 2017
Friday Question: What are your Summer plans?

Summer, summer, summertime! It’s summer and we’ve been raving about our summer plans for ages. For us, Summer is about exploring

Friday Question 3 February 2017
Friday Question: What’s your morning routine?

It’s fascinating how much a morning routine seems to tell about someone’s personality. Whether you’re a morning person or a night

Friday Question 18 November 2016
Friday Question: if you could wake up having gained one ability, what would it be?

YAAAY! It’s Friday and we’re up for a brand new Friday question. It was Yara, who (after doing the ’36

Friday Question 28 October 2016
Friday Question: What are 9 things you hate?

The struggle is real: we all have these things we really, really hate. Here’s a definitive long list of all

Friday Question 16 September 2016
Friday Question: What app are you missing?

Sure, the App store is overflowing. But there are still some potential digital gems that we’re missing out there -

Friday Question 5 August 2016
Friday Question: What’s something you dreamed of but never did?

‘The future depends on what you do today’. These wise words come from Mahatma Gandhi and they are so very

Friday Question 3 June 2016
Friday Question: How do you try to celebrate every day?

Yeeees, we have a lot to celebrate and that’s why we decided to call June our big party month! That

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