Forget about Brussels, forget about Antwerp – at least for the moment: Gent is the place to be when in Belgium. According to UNESCO, according to a great deal of ‘Most Beautiful Cities in The World’ lists, according to Team Chapter Friday… As far as we concern: most beautiful city of Belgium, truly outstanding and wonderful to walk around. And when you do; when you find yourself in Gent, please do not forget to visit these hotspots!
We stayed in Atelier Turquoise, an over the top cool guesthouse completely in colourful theme and soothing furniture style. To start the day off right, we woke up early and left our warm and cozy beds for the first stop of the day:
After strolling through the streets of Gent and some shopping in between, we went for a light lunch (life consist of sleeping, eating, walking and drinking while on a city trip, right?) and soon after, night fell and as soon as the city lights went on Gent became even more magical. Time for some last minute food stop suggestions!
Dinner & drinks
Thinking of staying in Gent? Here are some top places to spend the night! Enjoy!
Ooh, that looks so heavenly! I’d love to visit! Much obliged to you for sharing your thoughts.
so i hve to visit gent :-)
Neele / Mode Blog
sip bos,..
obat ejakulasi dini paling ampuh
thank you article.
obat ejakulasi dini permanen paling ampuh terbaik
wonderful place to travel to, thank you for the guide!
HER TIP: Rose Coconut Spray. The spray balances your skin by evening out the texture and tone. It’s loaded with essential fatty acids and is overall very, very soothing. I use it when I’m traveling to maintain hydration. Get it for free by visiting and receiving $60 of free groceries.
Leuk! Vanuit NL verhuisd naar Brussel en nu ook maar een weekendje richting Gent denk ik :-)
It looks beautiful, and I would love to go there one of this days!
I have been a faithful reader for many years, Thanks for the knowledge you post, thank you for the recipe, I do not like to eat out, because my wife always cooks and that’s the recipe.
good articles …. inspire the readers
I got inspired after reading this great article
the article is great ….. i like it very much
It’s amazing. Thanks for sharing this gent guide and tips.
Thanks for this guide and great tip for a Belgian city. I am going to Brussels for the first time this March but I will definitely put Gent on my list now.
Gent staat hoog op mijn lijstje dus bedankt voor de fijne tips!!
love this
Ik wil heel graag een keer naar Gent dus ik ga deze tips even onthouden! Leuke post :) X
I’d love to visit Belgium one day! It’s good to know that there’s more to it than just Brussels. Thank you for the little guide! I just need a couple more pictures! <3
With kindness
I’ve never heard of Gent before - blame me and my lack of geographical education and knowledge. It looks like a wonderful place to travel to, thank you for the guide! ❤️
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Absolutely love it!
Mireia from TGL