At Home WithPeople 23 November 2017
Inside the mini apartment of Amsterdam creative Yvet

There is something strange about humans. People are curious and that’s not a secret. So we like to peek into someone’s homes all the time. Especially from like-minded creative cool kids who like to play around with their unique interior style a lot. Don’t you?

Meet Yvet van der Naalt (22) a cool photographer and creative. Born and raised in Enschede, living in a sweet & tiny apartment in the city center of Amsterdam with her cat Fred. She doesn’t even have a table. ‘I haven’t found my perfect little table yet, but it’s definitely high on my wishlist!’

Born and raised in Enschede, living in Amsterdam. Where do you feel at home the most?
Yvet: “Wherever Fred my cat (@fredophetinternet) is, haha! So, for now, my own home, in Amsterdam! I don’t miss Enschede the city itself, but I do miss my family. Whenever I can, I visit them. Most of my friends live in Amsterdam, and not in Enschede, they make me feel at home as well!”

How would you describe your interior style?
Yvet: “I have no idea haha! I’d call it ‘all sorts of things.’ I feel like I’m quite a hoarder. I’ve been hoarding things for years from thrift stores, markets, and other random places. I like secondhand treasures the most, they give a home a personal touch: like a porcelain cat or a weird knotted round hanger I have on my wall.”
You’ve been scarfing up some really cool interior pieces. What’s your key to success?
Yvet: “Oh that’s so kind! thank you! Whenever I’m thrift shopping I always keep my eyes open, sometimes you’ll find the best accessories hidden somewhere in a corner, so get your hands dirty in thrift stores. From time to time you’ll find the best treasures.”

You do a lot of photoshoots on the go, especially for NSMBL. Do you work from home a lot?
Yvet: “Sometimes from home, but I go to coffee places too. A couple of friends are freelancers (or go to school) so it’s nice to work together as well. When it comes to editing shoots I like to work at night, sometimes I grab my laptop and work on my couch or bed.”

How do you set boundaries between work and life, with all the distractions of Amsterdam around?
Yvet: “I always prioritize work. No matter what or how I always meet my deadlines. There are times I have to meet a deadline the next day and I will have to pull an all-nighter to finish editing. Sometimes I have zero sleep, but I don’t mind because I love what I do! But besides working, I think it’s super important to see friends and do fun stuff. You can always make time for friends and family!”

What piece holds a special memory?
Yvet: “The big Parisian rug, it was my grandpa’s and the Rotan chair was from my parents! They had it in their home when they were my age.”

Which 3 Instagram accounts do we need to follow for more interior inspiration?
Yvet: @urbanjungleblog, @studiohearhear, and @thedrivenewyork.

A good piece of interior styling advice you would like to share?
Yvet: “I think you should style your home the way that you feel comfortable and that the space you’re in makes you happy. I love to decorate my home with photos of friends and family. Also, fairy lights are a miracle, they make a room super intimate. A bit random advice but if you live in a small place, I have a big mirror in my living room to make it seem bigger. And I love to have a lot of plants in my home as well, I think it’s very cozy.”

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