Yeeees, we have a lot to celebrate and that’s why we decided to call June our big party month! That brings us to this very Friday Question. Simple joys helps you remind to slow down and celebrate each day. But how do you celebrate life each and every single day? It all comes down to little things. Team Chapter Friday summed up their tips & tricks. Please tell us yours!
Yara: “Well, well.. every day is a bit ambitious for me, but I do try to have a positive outlook on life. What helps me celebrate my small victories - instead of dwelling on the few things that went wrong - is making my ‘grateful list’ every evening. I’ll think of a few things that I’m grateful for that day - like a good brainstorm session, a hilarious phone call with a friend, being able to help someone out, a cleaned up house etc. Count your blessings, not your problems; that kind of thing.”
Emma: “Taking comfort in rituals! Make yourself a great brekkie (big fan of smoothie bowls) - I mostly make them the night before which gives me such a relaxed feeling when I wake up. Also, treat yourself a little with great coffee (to go) or fresh flowers for the home for example. The smell of fresh flowers when you come home is the best there is.”
Alice: “By noticing the littlest things that brings me joy. Cycling through different streets to work and discovering beautiful architecture, finding the right avocado, the smell of a fresh sheets and a ray of sunlight shining on my face. Also: by setting realistic yet challenging goals and celebrate the fact that I’m able to finish them at the end of the day. But the best way to celebrate the day is to share it with others. Sharing laughs, enthusiasm, dances, drinks, cigarettes (sorry mum and dad), good stories, new friends and even some tears makes me a very happy Alice.”
I need to start writing down the little things- I always reflect on the big events and moments I’m thankful for, but I tend to fall behind on the little ones- and those are normally the ones that end up making the most difference.
That’s a very good idea. The little ones do make the most difference. What a good idea :)
I agree with all, but the rituals that Emma mentioned are a huge part of how I celebrate. Also finding something to smile or laugh about everyday-it’s a physical reminder that there is joy in my life!
That’s a great way of celebrating :)
such a beautiful post. The “finding the right avocado” sounded so much like me!
Haha. Yes! You know how hard it is, right? It makes me so happy if I find the right one.