CareerCareer Tips 2 March 2015
Good morning sunshine! How to make the most out of your mornings

You know you’re not a morning person when your workout is hitting the snooze button and your breakfast is the coffee you drink when you arrive at work. Nope, good mornings don’t just magically happen to good people.

During a conversation this morning at the Monday Meeting, we all agreed that we want to start the day in a less rushed manner. We want to sit down for some tea and toast and gather our thoughts for the day - but there’s no way to do that if you’re snoozing until the very last minute. To kick off your day with a bang and add a few hours to your week, these easy steps might help. What are your morning rituals like?

1. Make a schedule
Somehow you’re always optimistic in how much time you really need to perform your morning routine, especially if it’s before 10AM. So clock how much time it actually takes you to curl your hair, put on your make-up and eat your breakfast. Write it all down, make a schedule and stick to it. It may seem extremely boring and tedious, but it works.

2. Prep your breakfast
Eating a proper breakfast has a huge influence on how you start the day (an empty stomach = extremely grumpy). No time to cook oats and cut your fruit early in the morning? Do it the night before! Make some overnight oats or get quick and easy breakfast like granola and yogurt. It takes 3 seconds to prepare and 3 minutes to eat. Instant-energy that is!

3. Make your morning decisions the night before
Having to make decisions on the spot sucks, especially early in the morning. So before you go to bed, decide on what clothes you’ll wear, sort out your breakfast and get everything you need to pack for work in order. This evening ritual helps you calm your thoughts after a busy day and you won’t forget to bring food or important documents to work the next day, meaning: less stress.

4. Always, always, always make your bed
It almost seems too easy, but it really helps to start off your day: make your bed every single day. Your bed deserves a special treatment.

5. Wait to check your phone
Most of us sleep with our phones on our bed tables and the first thing we do in the morning is grab them. To check e-mails, Instagram, the weather… It’s as if we need an app to tell us what our mood for that day is going to be like. Wait until you’ve showered, are dressed and have a full stomach. It is really hard (we plead guilty most mornings), but will help you ease into the day. Instagram can wait for fifteen minutes.

6. Add some spark to your morning routine
Find a happy reason - big or small - to get out of bed. Sure, mornings can be terrible, but there are ways to brighten them up. Are you planning an awesome vacation, are you having a party with friends or are you having an evening with you, a blanket and the couch? You always have something you look forward to.

7. Let go of yesterday
Forget what happened yesterday. You cannot change it anymore, so don’t beat yourself up about things that happened. Let it go!

What about you, do you recognise yourself in these morning hiccups? Let’s banish all morning thunderclouds, starting tommorow. Wishing you the best of luck!

Let's talk



    Thanks for the tips…!!! I really need make things in the night before will be so useful …

    very usefull!

    Joy. |

    Glad it was! x

    Thanks, his is very helpful for me! The ´let go of yesterday´ quote in particular really struck me, I should definitely try to leave things behind more often!

    “Wait to check your phone” was the best thing that I ever did to my morning routine!

    I used to wake up and immediately check my phone and then open my laptop and watch YouTube or browse Facebook. And then of course I would be late.

    But then I just promised myself that I could spend all my free time procrastinating by the laptop but ONLY after I washed my face, put on makeup and got dressed. And it worked like magic!

    Washing my face first thing in the morning (after doing the bed) also helped because I just tackled the most time and energy consuming thing of my routine first, and then I felt like I was almost ready to go, and the rest of the morning always went smoothly.

    Oh yeah, that phone is really devilish in the morning! It is the best thing ever, to just NOT use it until you have actually finished your morning routine.

    Definitely can relate to the prepare the night before and especially decide on what to wear. If I decide the night before the morning will be a lot more relaxed AND the outfit will be prettier. Since all you wanna do in the morning is hop in your comfy jeans…
    But I really enjoy some of the tips - I don’t think I can do the phone trick though.

    Love, Sophie

    Haha, true. The phone aspect is probably one of the most difficult ones. Let’s make it a challenge!

    Brilliant tips guys, and I’m loving waking up to the sunrise it helps me get more done!

    Lauren x
    Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Fashion Beauty -

    Yes, morning sun is the best!

    love this!


    Great tips:) I decided to improve my mornings, and will definetely use some of your advice :)

    Good! You really should, mornings can be so decisive for the rest of your day!x

    These are some great tips! I definitely need to take the ‘make your bed in the morning’ advice haha, I’m terrible. I’m not a morning person at ALL, but I love my job so that definitely makes it easier to get out of bed in the mornings. I also think having a routine that you’re excited about in the morning helps - I write the morning pages and do some yoga!
    Meg, This is really exciting! Love your examples, I’d really like to start some kind of scrapbook/art journal…maybe something like this would be a good way to get started with documenting my life!

    Meg, Optical Intake

    I have no idea why someone’s comment to me has appeared in my comment to you, hahaa bizarre glitch in the matrix?! :)

    Haha, I guess so! Odd!

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