Texting while walking, sending emails during meetings, chatting on the phone while cooking dinner. We’re all about doing things quickly and efficiently so why wouldn’t we multitask, when today doing one thing at a times seems like a luxury. What we’ve found out, however, is that multi-tasking really isn’t as great as we first thought it was.
You’re not really multitasking - Really we’re just switching quickly between tasks. Even though we wish that we could switch between Instagramming, writing a new blog post and answering emails, it just ‘aint possible.
It’s slowing you down x3 - It takes time to get focused, so why would you break that focus to work on a different task? When you’re in the zone it’s great to just keep working and get things done. Then you can get just as focused on the next task.
Busy making mistakes - Nobody’s perfect but by switching your attention between tasks is likely to cause you to lose your train of thought and can cause your brain to be overloaded with information. Too.much.info.can’t.deal.with.it.
Missing out - When you’re reading texts or looking at photos of that new line of clothes you’re unlikely to spot that trendy new cafe opening, sale sign or that hot guy across the street.
Your memory may suffer - If you’re in a meeting reading your emails and can still recall what your boss said word for word then you’re a genius. Multitasking can make it difficult to remember what others have said or can make you forget that you have, or haven’t already done a specific task.
It’s hurting your relationship - Is your partner talking to you but you’re on your phone, are you suuure you’re listening. Knowing that your partner is giving your their full attention is important for a relationship, so when you’re having a chat, why not stare deeply into their eyes giggles.
Overeating - Being distracted can mean that you’re not processing the act of eating, you’ll feel full less quickly and are likely to overeat, this also counts when you’re watching a movie, divide that bag of chips into two bowls so that you don’t plough through a whole bag full.
You’re probably not great at it - Yep, you. There’s a reason we’re not supposed to call and drive, we just aren’t very good at doing both at the same time. So if it’s true for driving, why would it not be true for everything else?
It can be DANGEROUS - See the reason above.
Handle it once and you’ll be done - isn’t it irritating to not finish something before you start something new - by handling things one at a time you’re going to be finish, properly.
(Inspired via Health, image via Pinterest)
[…] We all wish that we could be more productive during our work day, surprisingly, being more productive sometimes means taking a step back and taking a big break. Here are our top 3 ways that you’ll be able to work smarter, be happier and tick off everything from your to-do list without having to multitask. […]
interesting view, i can see how multi-tasking can be bad. I do think sometimes i’m actually procrastinating out of habit rather than multi-tasking - especially with comments !
Lauren x
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Very wise tips!
This is so true hahaha!
Great!! ;)
xx Elisa - My Fantabulous World
so true! :*
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